Using external store sources

You’ll probably use some external state manager for your application, but you’ll need to connect it first to convert necessary data to Veles’ state which allows you to have reactivity. Right now there are no official bindings, but here is an example of a simple helper function to connect it to Zustand:

const NO_VALUE = "NO_VALUE";
export function createStoreState<T>(selector: (state: ZustandStoreState) => T) {
  let prevValue: T | string = NO_VALUE;
  const initialValue = selector(store.getState());
  return createState(initialValue, (setStoreValue) => {
    const unsubscribe = store.subscribe((newState) => {
      const newValue = selector(newState);

      if (newValue !== prevValue) {
        prevValue = newValue;

    return unsubscribe;

It has a simple comparator option to avoid unnecessary updates, but you expand it with a comparator to allow to refine it even further. Other state manager, like Redux should have a very similar implementation, they typically expose subscribe function and in the callback you’ll need to update your state value.